I am just now realizing that I never posted about Zel's birthday party back in November. I really wanted to share a post about this because I really enjoyed preparing for it and celebrating.

Zel LOVES Yellow Submarine, the movie and the music. We listen to the CD at least once a day. Anything he comes across that he can even remotely relate to Yellow Submarine, he somehow makes a connection. I knew that we had to make the theme Yellow Submarine. He was turning two, so I didn't want to make myself crazy with too many details or spending too much money. I feel like I picked just the right amount of decoration without going overboard.

I used a yellow table cloth and wrote "LOVE" all over it. We ate pizza off of yellow and tie dye plates. I found some fun napkins at Target.

The goodie bags were one of my favorite things about the party. I printed off different images from the movie and glued them onto yellow paper goodie bags. I filled the goodie bags with musical items (whistles, harmonicas, etc), lollipops, and yellow submarine stickers that I ordered from ebay.

Zel wore his yellow submarine shirt to the party (which I also purchased from ebay) that he received the night before during his family birthday dinner. We also bought him the set of figurines from the movie. He was so excited! They were a little pricey, but I got a pretty good deal on ebay...and it was worth it to see him so happy :)