Friday, July 13, 2012

L is for Links: 2nd Week of July

Sorry I haven't been posting much these past few weeks. I've been on vacation and making plans for our cross-country move. I got a chance to look at the great ideas linked-up this week during Zel's nap.

Night and Day Sensory Bins from Train Up a Child
A great sensory bin idea. Zel would love the stars and smelling the coffee grounds. He's been smelling everything these days.

Don't forget to link up your new ideas!


  1. I love this! Good find, Amy.

    1. Now I have something to do with the ridiculous amount of coffee grounds I waste. I hate throwing stuff away.

  2. Thank you for the feature! My boys had so much fun, and my three year old keeps asking to do this again. I can't believe I went to Starbucks today and didn't grab a bag of grounds.
