Monday, July 1, 2013

Learning About Weather + Rainbow Activity

I wanted to create some sort of daily routine that involved learning and observation. I decided to keep it simple since Zel is still a toddler. I chose to use a calendar to check the date and make a weather wheel to record the day's weather. Every morning we go to the calender and I tell Zel which day to cross off. Then while pointing to the words/numbers, I tell him the date, including the name of day of the week. He loves this!

I found a weather wheel on Google images (find it here) and I had Zel use watercolors to paint it. We keep it on our fridge and Zel can move the arrow to the different pictures that correspond with the day's weather. Since starting this I have noticed him commenting on the weather more often. We also record the weather so that we can see what type of weather we had the most/least each month.

When we first started our weather observation I made a fun rainbow "puzzle" for Zel so that he could learn the colors. We also found a great rainbow song that we like to sing from the cat in the hat TV show.

I got out construction paper of all the rainbow colors and cut a strip of each piece plus two white clouds. I gave Zel a black piece of paper to use as a background to build his rainbow. I sang the rainbow song a lot to help him remember which color came next.

 He had fun and was really proud when he finished.

 Then we had lots of fun scissor practice with all the scrap paper!

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